J Korean Diabetes > Volume 11(4); 2010 > Article
The Journal of Korean Diabetes 2010;11(4):259-264.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/kcd.2010.11.4.259   
2010년 미국당뇨병학회 당뇨병 표준진료 권고안: 당뇨병환자에서 심혈관질환의 예방
장윤미, 김동림
Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2010 by the American Diabetes Association: Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease
Yun Mi Jang, Dong Lim Kim
Cardiovascular disease is a major complication of diabetes mellitus. Cardiovascular (CV) risk factors should be assessed at least annually in patients with diabetes. These risk factors include dyslipidemia, hypertension, smoking, a positive family history of premature coronary disease, and the presence of micro- or macroalbuminuria. Abnormal risk factors should be treated as guidelines. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recently published management guidelines for CV risk factors that are based on the results of clinical trials examining cardiovascular outcomes. In this section, we summarize the findings of the ADA guidelines, "Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2010," in Korean. (Korean Clinical Diabetes J 11:259-264, 2010)
Key Words: Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Recommendations, Standards

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