당뇨병성 신경병증의 선별검사와 치료 |
김혜진 |
Standards of Medical Cared in Diabetes-2010 by American Diabetes Association: Neuropathy Screening and Treatment |
Hae Jin Kim |
Abstract |
Diabetic neuropathy is a common complication of diabetes mellitus and cause great morbidity. The early recognition and appropriate management of neuropathy in the patient with diabetes is important. American Diabetes Association (ADA) has published the Clinical Practice Recommendations since 2005. In this section, we summarize “Neuropathy screening and treatment in Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2010” in Korean. (Korean Clinical Diabetes J 11:172-173, 2010) |
Key Words:
Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic neuropathy, Recommendations, Standards |