J Korean Diabetes > Volume 11(2); 2010 > Article
The Journal of Korean Diabetes 2010;11(2):139-142.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/kcd.2010.11.2.139   
당뇨병전기 교육과 관리
Education and Management of Prediabetes
Yoo Mi Bae
Economic growth and lifestyle changes, according to the pattern of disease was imported changes, particularly increased daily intake of calories and animal food, and decreased physical activity, such as an increase in elderly population with obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes the number was growing. According to the World Health Organization`s statistics, the number with diabetes increased in 2000 from 150 million to 194 million in 2003 and 360 million in 2030 are projected to increase. In addition, patients on prediabetes also currently estimated at 314 million and 418 million in 2025 are projected to increase. Even if appropriate medications and lifestyle changes or progression of diabetes can be prevented for one, most of the subjects, the fact that many cases neither he(she) does not know he(she) is in the steps pre-diabetes nor the clinical meanings of pre-diabetes. In addition, appropriate educational information on this step is absent. The paper is performed to introduce a pre-diabetes education that is executed in our institution. (Korean Clinical Diabetes J 11:139-142, 2010)
Key Words: Lifestyle changes, Prevention, Pre-diabetes education

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