J Korean Diabetes > Volume 10(3); 2009 > Article
The Journal of Korean Diabetes 2009;10(3):187-195.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/kcd.2009.10.3.187   
당뇨병환자의 자기조절교육 프로그램 효과와 지속에 관한 연구
홍명희, 유주화, 구미옥, 김순애, 이정림, 구민정, 강양교, 장숙희, 박봉숙, 심강희, 노선숙, 송복례, 음정혜
A Study on Effects and Their Continuity of the Self Regulation Education Program in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Myeong Hee Hong, Joo Wha Yoo, Mee Ock Gu, Soon Ai Kim, Jeong Rim Lee, Min Jeong Gu, Yang Gyo Kang, Sook Hee Jang, Bong Suk Park, Kang Hee Sim, Sun Suk Ro, Bok Rye Song, Jung Hea Eum
This research was conducted to confirm whether 4-weeks self-regulation education program makes the diabetic patients, who are treated with injection of insulin, to improve their glucose adjustment and how long this effect will be persisted by self-care and improvement of self-efficacy. Methods: This research is object for 46 persons of test group and 37 persons of control group in type2 diabetics who are under the medical care more than 6 months and above HbA1c 7.5%. Test group is defined as self-regulation educated group and control group is not. Independent variables are defined whether self control education is trained or not. We compared self care score and self efficacy score with pre-education, post-education, at the point of 2 month later and 6 month later. Results: 1) The extent of self-care shows considerable difference between test group and control group (F=5.286, P=0.025). Self care indicates that it is connected to difference of period (F=5.336, P=0.005), lapse and interaction among the groups. 2) Self-efficacy appears to have shown the considerable difference between test group and control group (F=29.409, P=0.000). However, self efficacy does not seems to be connected with the gap of period (F=0.945, P=0.392), lapse, and interaction among the groups (F=1.442 P=0.241). 3) Blood glucose adjustment dose not show the considerable differences between test group and control group (F=0.627, P=0.432), However, the gap of period (F=0.627, P=0.432) has an effect to connect with blood glucose adjustment. Meanwhile, that is not seemed to connect with lapse and interaction among the groups (F=0.843, P=0.430).
Key Words: Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring, Patient education, Self care, Self efficacy

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