제2형 당뇨병환자에서 알코올 섭취량이 혈중 지질상태 및 영양섭취에 미치는 영향 |
연현주, 이미영, 남수민, 김송이, 고장현, 심명숙, 정춘희 |
Role of Alcohol Intake on Lipid Profiles and Nutrients Intake in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus |
Hyun Ju Yoen, Mi Young Lee, Soo Min Nam, Song Yi Kim, Jang Hyun Koh, Myoung Sook Shim, Choon Hee Chung |
Abstract |
Background Moderate alcohol intake was known to have protective effects on cardiovascular disease by improvement of lipid profiles. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship of lipid profiles and nutrients intake with alcohol intake in type 2 diabetes Korean men. Methods: The subjects were total 62 who visited at the outpatient clinic of department of endocrinology and metabolism in Wonju Christian Hospital and diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. The patients with taking lipid lowering agents were excluded from our study. The subjects were divided into three groups by alcohol intake (mild: 0-45 g/week, moderate: 46-225 g/week, high: 225 g/week over). Results: Alcohol consumption has positive correlation with triglyceride (TG) but negative correlation with low dense lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. TG levels showed lowest and high dense lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels showed highest levels at moderate group. But, LDL cholesterol levels linearly decreased as alcohol intake increased. By multivariate regression analysis, total cholesterol was not affected by alcohol intake but triglyceride and LDL cholesterol were affected by alcohol intake. High dense lipoprotein cholesterol level was affected by BMI, HbA1c and animal calcium but not by alcohol intake. Conclusion: Our results suggest that TG and LDL levels may be affected by alcohol intake and moderate alcohol intake may have positive effect on lipid profiles. (KOREAN CLINICAL DIABETES J 9:329-335, 2008) |
Key Words:
Alcohol intake, Low dense lipoprotein cholesterol, Nutrient intake, Triglyceride |