당뇨병성 족부병변의 위험인자 |
안유배 |
Risk Factors for Foot Ulceration in Diabetic Patients. |
Yu Bae Ahn |
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea. ybahn@catholic.ac.kr |
Abstract |
Diabetic foot ulcers are one of the main complications of diabetes and frequently lead to amputation of the lower extremities. All patients with diabetes should be screened annually to establish their risk of foot ulceration. While foot ulcers affect almost 5% of the patients with diabetes, the cumulative lifetime incidence may be as high as 15%. The development of a foot ulcer usually result from a combination of neuropathy and tissue ischemia caused by peripheral artery disease. Other factors have been identified such as repetitive pressure loading on insensitive feet, previous foot ulcer or amputation of the other leg and poor glycemic control. An understanding of the risk factors for diabetic foot ulcer permits identification of individuals at high risk and prompt management is essential to prevent the development of a foot ulcer. Further studies are needed to establish the independent risk factors associated with diabetic foot ulceration. |
Key Words:
Diabetic foot ulcer, Neuropathy, Risk factor |