신기능 이상 환자에서의 당뇨병의 약물치료 |
황유철 |
Oral Antidiabetic Agents in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. |
You Cheol Hwang |
Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, Kyung Hee Hospital at Gangdong, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. khmcilyong@naver.com |
Abstract |
Diabetes mellitus is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease worldwide. At present, a variety of classes of oral hypoglycemic agents are available to improve glycemic control, including newer classes of drugs such as DPP-IV inhibitors. Decreased renal function with reduced glomerular filtration rate affects the choices, dosing, and monitoring of oral hypoglycemic agents, as some agents require dose adjustments in patients with chronic kidney disease and others are entirely contraindicated. This article reviews the clinical use of oral hypoglycemic agents, focusing on pharmacokinetic properties and dosing in patients with chronic kidney disease. |
Key Words:
Oral administration, Hypoglycemic agents, Chronic kidney failure |