J Korean Diabetes > Volume 16(1); 2015 > Article
The Journal of Korean Diabetes 2015;16(1):38-42.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/jkd.2015.16.1.38    Published online March 26, 2015.
자가혈당측정기 정확도와 올바르게 사용하는 방법
Self-Monitoring Blood Glucose Meter: Is Your Glucose Meter Accurate?.
Seon Yeong Park
Department of Nursing, Sahmyook Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. sypark3004@hanmail.net
Blood glucose monitoring provides immediate feedback on the effect of daily activities such as taking medication, exercise or eating on blood glucose levels. A home blood glucose meter's results are considered accurate if they falls within +/-20% of lab results. Such meters are calibrated to use whole blood to measure glucose, whereas lab equipment uses only the plasma portion. To maintain accuracy, results from a meter should be compared to those of a laboratory at least once a year. Diabetes educators should have thorough knowledge of each meter and its accuracy so that he or she can properly educate diabetic patients.
Key Words: Accuracy, Blood glucose self-minitoring, Glucose meter

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