Position Statement on the Appropriateness and Significance of Adding the Glycated Hemoglobin Test to the National Health Examination
Ji Hye Kim, Dae Jung Kim, Jaehyun Kim, Sangjoon Park, Kyunghoon Lee, Jun Goo Kang, Eu Jeong Ku, Su Kyoung Kwon, Won Jun Kim, Young Sang Lyu, Jang Won Son, Young Sil Eom, Kyung Ae Lee, Jeongrim Lee, Jung Min Lee, Jung Hwa Lee, Jung Hwa Jung, Hochan Cho, Dal Lae Ju, Dughyun Choi, Chong Hwa Kim,
J Korean Diabetes. 2023;24(4):178-189.   Published online 2023 Dec 31     DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/jkd.2023.24.4.178
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Prevalence of Impaired Fasting Glucose and Diabetes in Adults Aged 20-59 Years: Based on the 2012 and 2022 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys
Suhee Kim, Ju-Yeon Uhm
Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2024; 38(3): 344.     CrossRef