J Korean Diabetes > Volume 16(4); 2015 > Article
The Journal of Korean Diabetes 2015;16(4):287-292.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4093/jkd.2015.16.4.287    Published online December 24, 2015.
당뇨병 환자를 위한 이야기치료
Narrative Therapy for Diabetic Patients.
Mi Hyun Koo
Department of Social Work, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. mihyun.koo@samsung.com
Diabetic patients undergo psychosocial difficulties, including anger, because of their chronic disease, anxiousness of complications, and stress resulting from the need for self-management. These difficulties often lead to depression and other negative emotions. Thus, management of these emotions is needed. Narrative therapy can help patients discover their identity, including their own capabilities, values, and hopes. Through the process of narrative therapy, which includes externalization conversation, reauthoring conversation, re-membering conversation and definition ceremony, diabetic patients can achieve emotional stability. Furthermore, it can be helpful in blood sugar management.
Key Words: Diabetic patient, Narrative therapy, Psychosocial factor

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